
diamond grey min

HVOF & Hardface Wheels

Hardfacing is used to limit wear of metal parts by hardening their surface. Metal parts don’t typically fail because of fracture, but rather wear, causing the loss of dimension and functionality. Hardfacing is also referred to as “hard surfacing”, and works by applying build-up or wear-resistant coatings or materials to a part’s surface. Hardface grinding can be done on low alloy steels with carbon contents of less than 1%. Some of these include stainless steels, manganese, cast irons, nickel and copper-based alloys.

Operations involving HVOF coatings require superior grinding wheel performance to achieve the best results. HVOF (high velocity oxy-fuel) coating is a thermal spraying technique in which melted or heated materials are sprayed onto a surface. Thermal spraying materials can provide thick coatings if needed. With such a high density and added thickness, maintenance and grinding of HVOF-coated surfaces require high-performance grinding wheels.

At Eagle, our DP-1 bonded wheels are specifically formulated to grind these notoriously tough materials. Offering three times the lifespan of the competitors’ wheels, Eagle’s wheels continue to provide unprecedented performance long after others have failed.


DP-1 Bond Wheels

Bond Diamond Wheels from Eagle Superabrasives grind virtually indestructible HVOF coatings with three times the wheel life of our competitors.

The DP-1 Bond is the perfect choice for customers searching for:

  • Exceptional wheel life and performance under extreme stress
  • Rapid stock removal with a smooth finish
  • Elite performance for your toughest grinding applications
Metals that can be hardfaced :
stainless steels
cast irons
nickel and copper-based alloys

There are many processes used to hardface a part’s surface. These include:

  • flux cored arc welding (FCAW)
  • gas metal arc welding (GMAW)
  • shielded metal arc welding (SMAW)
  • submerged arc welding (SAW)
  • gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW)
  • oxyfuel welding (OFW)
  • plasma transferred arc welding
  • laser welding
  • thermal spray
  • brazing

diamond grey min

Worried that a stock wheel won’t cut it for your application? No worries! We manufacture custom wheels daily, and some of these wheels can ship in as little as seven days.


Cuando esté listo para probar lo mejor, confíe en los expertos de Eagle Superabrasives . Ofrecemos soporte y servicio al cliente incomparables.

Con un amplio inventario de más de 6000 ruedas de diamante, CBN y CDX en existencia en nuestra ubicación de Carolina del Norte, podemos enviar el 90 % de los pedidos el mismo día. Los pedidos personalizados se pueden enviar en tan solo siete días.

Nuestro experimentado personal está dedicado a proporcionar a nuestros clientes productos de alta calidad y un excelente servicio. Ofrecemos soporte técnico y asesoramiento para ayudarle en el camino.

Esperamos satisfacer todas sus necesidades de ruedas abrasivas

diamond grey min

diamond grey min



Ofrecemos formas estándar de ruedas de diamante que incluyen ruedas abrasivas superiores, frontales y laterales.

Muchos especiales hechos a medida en más de 3000 combinaciones diferentes.

Amplio inventario que incluye ruedas de grano triple y cuádruple, ruedas para acanalado de ligadura híbrida y ruedas de corte.


Más de 6000 ruedas de diamante y CBN en stock para envío el mismo día.

Opciones de ruedas abrasivas personalizadas sin costo adicional.

Ingenieros expertos con muchos años de experiencia práctica.

Numerosos clientes habituales.

diamond grey min

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