End & Flute grinding wheels for maximum precision

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Round Tool Grinding Solutions

Pro-Flute Wheels

Flute grinding is one of the most time-consuming and expensive steps for cutter, drill, and mill manufacturers. Our Pro-Flute® Hybrid Bond System is specially designed for end mill sharpening and grinding operations, with wheels cutting over 400 tools before re-grinding. Our hybrid bond system combines an excellent stock removal ability, profile retention, and high cutting ability. This results in improved grinding performance, reduced dressing frequency and cycle time reductions. For you, this means higher yield rates and access to a trusted manufacturer.

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Pro Flute Aero

Pro-Flute Areo

Featuring our hybrid porosity bond, the Pro Flute Aero offers the double advantage of having the form-holding ability and wear resistance of the Pro Flute and the aggressiveness and fast stock removal that Aero Max achieves.

Bond porosity ensures consistent cooling for faster cutting and superior edge retention and finish quality. Designed for tools 5/8” and smaller in diameter, the Pro Flute Aero is built for round toolmakers that want to achieve superior flatness, part quality, and improved efficiency.

Eagle’s Areo-Max

The Eagle AeroMAX™ is especially designed to remove large volumes of carbide and machine large tools, cutting faster and allowing for shorter cycle times.  This wheel is especially built for fluting and setting the standard for tolerances. Eagle AeroMax™ grinding wheels are designed for the most challenging materials and demanding applications. They are best suited for manufacturing tools 5/8” and larger and cut all grades of carbide.

What makes AeroMax™ special? The pores in the bond ensure that the coolant is carried into the cut to rapidly absorb heat and extend your wheel life. Added benefits are faster feed rates and operating speeds, comfortable spindle loads, and fewer number of passes required to achieve full flute depth. Manufacturers also enjoy shorter cycle times and less frequent conditioning that allow them to produce more tools, enjoy long tool life, and improve cost-efficiency. Our extensive industry knowledge guarantees that we will be able to meet your manufacturing needs to help you achieve improved performance, profitability, safety, and quality.

Pro Flute Aero Max

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Worried that a stock wheel won’t cut it for your application? No worries! We manufacture custom wheels daily, and some of these wheels can ship in as little as seven days.

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Ofrecemos formas estándar de ruedas de diamante que incluyen ruedas abrasivas superiores, frontales y laterales.

Muchos especiales hechos a medida en más de 3000 combinaciones diferentes.

Amplio inventario que incluye ruedas de grano triple y cuádruple, ruedas para acanalado de ligadura híbrida y ruedas de corte.


Más de 6000 ruedas de diamante y CBN en stock para envío el mismo día.

Opciones de ruedas abrasivas personalizadas sin costo adicional.

Ingenieros expertos con muchos años de experiencia práctica.

Numerosos clientes habituales.

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Cuando esté listo para probar lo mejor, confíe en los expertos de Eagle Superabrasives . Ofrecemos soporte y servicio al cliente incomparables.

Con un amplio inventario de más de 6000 ruedas de diamante, CBN y CDX en existencia en nuestra ubicación de Carolina del Norte, podemos enviar el 90 % de los pedidos el mismo día. Los pedidos personalizados se pueden enviar en tan solo siete días.

Nuestro experimentado personal está dedicado a proporcionar a nuestros clientes productos de alta calidad y un excelente servicio. Ofrecemos soporte técnico y asesoramiento para ayudarle en el camino.

Esperamos satisfacer todas sus necesidades de ruedas abrasivas

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