Oil or Water-based Coolant

Grinding Coolants

Grinding fluids perform several important functions during the grinding process including chip removal from the grinding area, heat removal, and protection from chemical reactions during the grinding process.

There are several advantages and disadvantages between water and oil coolant. Water coolant has a higher heat dissipation quality but it does not give the same high-quality finish that you can achieve with an oil coolant. Oil coolant is great at giving a cushioning effect between the workpiece and the cutting material leaving a high-quality finished product. Oil coolant lacks heat dissipation and leaves a film on the workpiece.

Oil-based grinding fluid provides good lubrication, but poor cooling. The use of oil reduces the friction in the grinding zone and will result in lower grinding power. The boiling temperature for the oil coolant is 3OOF, which decreases the occurrence of the oil film boiling. Oil-based coolant is excellent regarding the machine component maintenance, yet there are many environmental dangers. Also, filtration is much more difficult with oil coolant.